Video from NMRA Convention in Hartford, CT
July 6-12, 2009
I shot a bit of video while at the convention, but not as much as I thought I would. At these type of shows there is always so much going on that it is difficult to focus on shooting video. Much of what was shot was shot by others.
The video above shows the layout on display in the contest room at the convention center, as well as Tom Griffith’s award winning scratchbuilt Howe truss float bridge.
Some video of the Modeling with the Masters clinic that Clark Kooning and I hosted on Wednesday is included. 28 modelers built turnouts, which was lots of fun for all.
We moved the layout down to the train show on Thursday by lifting it onto some flatbed carts and rolling it into the massive car elevator in the convention center. The train show was 3 floors below the contest room, thank god for that elevator. That went smooth, there is some shots of us setting up the booth before the show.
While at the show Josh Shedaker from Tony’s Train Exchange was kind enough to offer to “tweak” the sound in QSI decoder in my CNJ Boxcab. While there I had Lew White rework the decoder installation and change the LED’s to white. He also swapped out the speaker to one of their new High Bass versions. The difference in the sound quality was amazing! That I did get some video of…
I am still working through the pictures taken at the show and in New York City, and hope to get them posted here shortly.
About the Author:
I'm your host, Tim Warris, a product developer in Port Dover, Ontario. Since March of 2007 I have been documenting the construction of the former CNJ Bronx Terminal in HO scale. For my day job, I design track building tools for Fast Tracks, a small company I own and operate. Fast Tracks makes it fast and easy to hand lay your own trackwork. Stop by our website to learn more!
Posted by: Tim | 07-24-2009 | 04:07 PM
Posted in: 2009 NMRA Train Show - Hartford | CNJ 1000 Boxcab | Latest Posts | Video
After almost 35 years, I’m getting back into MRR. I’m introducing my 13 year old grandson to the hobby. I’ve just purchased some tools from you and am planning to build some turnouts. I will be spending more $$$ when I can get discounts from Twitter. You have a wonderful product line and website. Your skills and craftsmanship are suburb. I can’t get over how top-notch your operation is and I truly enjoy the fact that you’ve done all this with your family. You honestly may have the best of both worlds.
As to the convention, I enjoyed the video since I could not attend. From the video, it’s difficult to ascertain how many people actually attended but the people shown all appeared to be somewhat older. I didn’t notice any young people. Are teenagers and young adults not drawn to model railroading or is this simply a sign of the times in general? Is the model railroading community proactively doing something about this or are we nearing the end of the hobby much as model airplanes and stamp collecting? It seems only folks with bucks seem to be involved.
Thanks again,