
CASO Freemo Slidesho

Thought I would give this a try, its a slideshow of all the images in the CASO project so far, in the order the image was taken.

About the Author:

I'm your host, Tim Warris, a product developer in Port Dover, Ontario. Since March of 2007 I have been documenting the construction of the former CNJ Bronx Terminal in HO scale. For my day job, I design track building tools for Fast Tracks, a small company I own and operate. Fast Tracks makes it fast and easy to hand lay your own trackwork. Stop by our website to learn more!

Posted by: Tim | 01-31-2008 | 11:01 AM
Posted in: LaSalette Freemo Module | Latest Posts | Comments Off on CASO Freemo Slidesho

Station assembly

Basic structure

Last evening I stated assembling the station, beginning with the basic walls. These are cut from 1mm plywood and snap together nicely due to the numerous tabs. A bit of white glue sticks it all together.

The battens are cut into a layer of .4mm plywood (.016″) that also includes the trim that covers all the tabbing on the walls. This was glued onto the walls after the structure had been glued together.

The entire structure was then painted with a custom mix of paint to approximate the colors used on some of the CASO stations. The trim (not the battens) will be painted a darker green color afterward.


About the Author:

I'm your host, Tim Warris, a product developer in Port Dover, Ontario. Since March of 2007 I have been documenting the construction of the former CNJ Bronx Terminal in HO scale. For my day job, I design track building tools for Fast Tracks, a small company I own and operate. Fast Tracks makes it fast and easy to hand lay your own trackwork. Stop by our website to learn more!

Posted by: Tim | 01-31-2008 | 11:01 AM
Posted in: LaSalette Freemo Module | Latest Posts | Comments Off on Station assembly

Station Explosion


click on image for really big view….


Exploded view showing the various pieces of the LaSalette station for my Free-Mo module.


About the Author:

I'm your host, Tim Warris, a product developer in Port Dover, Ontario. Since March of 2007 I have been documenting the construction of the former CNJ Bronx Terminal in HO scale. For my day job, I design track building tools for Fast Tracks, a small company I own and operate. Fast Tracks makes it fast and easy to hand lay your own trackwork. Stop by our website to learn more!

Posted by: Tim | 01-31-2008 | 10:01 AM
Posted in: LaSalette Freemo Module | Picture of the Day | Comments (2)

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