
Broad side of a Barn, part II

Watercolour by Ian Maynard



A couple weeks back I posted the photograph above as the picture of the day. A week later the drawing at the top showed up in my Inbox, created by Ian Maynard. The resemblance in quite impressive, yet shows the artist’s influence and style. An excellent study in texture, which while it looks simple, is very hard to reproduce effectively. Very nice work Ian!


About the Author:

I'm your host, Tim Warris, a product developer in Port Dover, Ontario. Since March of 2007 I have been documenting the construction of the former CNJ Bronx Terminal in HO scale. For my day job, I design track building tools for Fast Tracks, a small company I own and operate. Fast Tracks makes it fast and easy to hand lay your own trackwork. Stop by our website to learn more!

Posted by: Tim | 02-29-2008 | 12:02 PM
Posted in: Picture of the Day | Comments Off on Broad side of a Barn, part II

LaSalette East

by John Mellow

click on image for larger view….


Just east of LaSalette the CASO crossed over Big Creek (some liberties taken when naming that….). This area is being modeled by John Mellow and is what we are referring to as LaSalette East. This scene just screams Southern Ontario!


About the Author:

I'm your host, Tim Warris, a product developer in Port Dover, Ontario. Since March of 2007 I have been documenting the construction of the former CNJ Bronx Terminal in HO scale. For my day job, I design track building tools for Fast Tracks, a small company I own and operate. Fast Tracks makes it fast and easy to hand lay your own trackwork. Stop by our website to learn more!

Posted by: Tim | 02-27-2008 | 11:02 AM
Posted in: Picture of the Day | Comments Off on LaSalette East

Bronx Terminal Virtual Model

Work in progress.

click on image for larger version…..


I really don’t want to make the Bronx Terminal layout in sections, but I have no choice if I want to have it portable and it fit into our van. I considered renting a truck every time I decide to take it to a show, but that would be expensive and rough on the layout as those U-Haul pieces of crap are not the smoothest way to travel. To that end, I had little choice but to build it sectional, which dramatically adds to the complexity of the design on a layout of this very odd shape.

I am going to do all the design in 3D as this will allow me to ensure the sections and benchwork will line up properly. The top of the layout is in 3 pieces, the structure below it will be a single section with fold down legs.

The rendering above is a work in progress with much detail yet to be added, such as the fascia around the front of the layout and some of the support pieces below. I thought I would post the rendering to get a sense of the size of the finished display.


About the Author:

I'm your host, Tim Warris, a product developer in Port Dover, Ontario. Since March of 2007 I have been documenting the construction of the former CNJ Bronx Terminal in HO scale. For my day job, I design track building tools for Fast Tracks, a small company I own and operate. Fast Tracks makes it fast and easy to hand lay your own trackwork. Stop by our website to learn more!

Posted by: Tim | 02-27-2008 | 11:02 AM
Posted in: Latest Posts | Comments (2)

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